Participating Tollways and Bridges
Use any electronic toll lane where you see this sign

Covered Tollways
Antioch Bridge (SR 160)*
Benicia-Martinez Bridge*
Carquinez Bridge*
Dumbarton Bridge*
Golden Gate Bridge*
I-580 Express Lanes*
I-680 Contra Costa Express Lanes*
I-680 Sunol Express Lanes*
I-880 Express Lanes*
Richmond-San Rafael Bridge*
San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge*
San Mateo-Hayward Bridge*
State Route 237 Express Lanes*
Not Covered Tollways
State Route 237 Express Lanes*
*Tollways and bridges marked with an asterisk (*) are all-electronic (cashless) and do not accept cash or credit card payments.

Covered Tollways
Antioch Bridge (SR 160)*
Benicia-Martinez Bridge*
Carquinez Bridge*
Dumbarton Bridge*
Golden Gate Bridge*
I-580 Express Lanes*
I-680 Contra Costa Express Lanes*
I-680 Sunol Express Lanes*
I-880 Express Lanes*
Richmond-San Rafael Bridge*
San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge*
San Mateo-Hayward Bridge*
State Route 237 Express Lanes*
Not Covered Tollways
State Route 237 Express Lanes*
*Tollways and bridges marked with an asterisk (*) are all-electronic (cashless) and do not accept cash or credit card payments.